This has a lot of information about Gambino NJ operations, the Manna/Gotti rivalry, and Genovese and Gambino absorption of Philadelphia mob rackets.


Another family member residing and operating in New Jersey is 78-year-old Anthony Carminati of Fort Lee. Despite his age, Carminati remains active in illegal activities such as gambling, loan-sharking, narcotics, labor racketeering and infiltra- tion of legitimate business. Although a longtime family member, Carminati is not respected by other New Jersey members, in part because he unwittingly allowed an undercover police officer to infiltrate a family loanshark operation several years ago. Therefore, his power within LCN circles in the state is limited. In addition, group leaders currently lack confidence in Carminati's abilities because he is a heavy drinker.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.