Jr. has become a successful developer. Rumor has is some of the old timers still stop by his house around the holidays with an envelope as tribute and respect for his Old Man. He has to have millions in cash, gold and other valuable when he got out around 2000... Heck his Dad had one of the greatest runs in LCN history, 20 years at the top, not an attempt on his life, owned race tracks, casino's, fixed races and sports and controlled every thug, hood, drug dealer, bookie and shy in 4 or 5 states.

There was a story a few years back 2010 maybe IDK as someone was moving into his Dad's old office--Coin-o-Matic-- maybe it was a sub shop or something?? and JR was spotted stopping by and taking a look around. The office was said to have been virtually "un-touched" since 1984 when Sr died.

Here's one of my favorite Old Man stories, what did he net out of this? Came home, thought everyone maybe push enough up to the top while he was away and took what was his.


Last edited by azguy; 03/04/16 11:24 PM.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"