Originally Posted By: Boss_of_Knickerbocker
Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
Reminded me of a similar article to this : https://news.vice.com/article/how-missis...-justice-reform

@ Knickerbocker

"As for the white guy in Kalamazoo, these random white loner shooters are a problem. But they don't seem cultural.

In the black community, it's epidemic. So when a white male goes on a spree, we magnify the story to feel better because it's politically correct to offset the much more common problem. Black gun violence."

Gun violence is a common problem overall, not exclusively to 1 background. The media will portray whatever that brings viewers and have the tendency to reflect bias viewpoints.

Really? Overall problem? Look at Chicago alone. Already at 100 homicides, mostly black victims. They usually have 500 homicides a year but could hit 600 at this pace.

There probably aren't any cities or counties where 500 whites are the victim of a homicide.

chicago used to have way more than 500 or 600 murders so crime is actually down

inadequate schooling plays a major role in the crime in black communities

the government flooding the hood with drugs didn't help either