Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: Boss_of_Knickerbocker
Thanks getthesenets.

So yeah, abortion for poor people, especially unwed girls, is effective for controlling crime regardless of race.

I believe more black babies are aborted than born in NYC. But that's misleading because I'm sure girls from places like Long Island and Westchester and upstate will travel in to the City for one.

I am of the believe that the high percentage of black abortions has helped put a dent in crime. And maybe it would get rid of some white trash too, but the Southern states don't really have abortion on demand like NY.

As for the white guy in Kalamazoo, these random white loner shooters are a problem. But they don't seem cultural.

In the black community, it's epidemic. So when a white male goes on a spree, we magnify the story to feel better because it's politically correct to offset the much more common problem. Black gun violence.

I don't think killing babies or fetuses is the answer. One of the answers would be better parenting. Another is safer schools that kick out kids who act violently. A third is a lower level of community tolerance for aggressive behavior.

Also need to point out that guns aren't the only problem. Mob violence like beating up homeless people then posting it on Facebook, knocking people out by sucker-punching them in the back of the head, the acceptance of rape and burglary, etc. The current narrative of victimhood teaches young people to ignore the real problems and hate those who disagree with you. There was a time, before the mid-1960s, when most communities did not tolerate that garbage.

Thanks. We'll never agree. I think abortion lowers crime and hate to think what NYC would be like if minority babies, black in particular, weren't aborted at such high rates.

Naturally the priest in my local parish disagrees with me but I don't care anymore. Catholicism and Conservatism offer no better answers.