Originally Posted By: BobbyPazzo
Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
Originally Posted By: bronx
great point about carmine..he does make big money..i just do not understand him getting pinched again..putting sand in scrape to put weight on them..he also works arms and legs in his biz
Originally Posted By: bronx
great point about carmine..he does make big money..i just do not understand him getting pinched again..putting sand in scrape to put weight on them..he also works arms and legs in his biz

I almost didn't even open this threas
Never understood why he was still trying to get over on shit.. He's living in Cleveland and had legitimate business that makes way good money. Why try to cheat it to make more money and get yourself on the radar of the Feds.. Could have ran it legitimate and continued to make good money and stay low key .. Some of these guys just can't help themselves.. They have to scheme no matter what.. Just don't get why you would take some stupid short cuts to make extra cash when you're a millionaire .. It's a marathon not a sprint..

I almost didn't open this thread but I'm kind of glad I did because I can see how a law abiding citizen who has never been in the street life in shape, form, or fashion can wonder why the fuck a guy like carmine wouldn't just fall back and live off the legit loot he makes. You have to understand , and I'm by no means saying I'm a gangster or on the level these guys are or were at one point but I've been in the street life and I did multiple bids behind the wall. After the first time I got sent down people were baffled by how I could ever return to that life. The street guys know. But your loved ones, your girl, your legit friends look at you like a selfish prick who doesn't care about anyone but themself. And to an extent that's true but its more than that. It's like shooting dope, you're fucking addicted to the life, the hustle, the cash flow, the notoriety, etc.... Yes it is ridiculous. Yes it is selfish. But when all you know is that way of life and the game is second nature to you, you're way of thinking cannot be changed. It's like I said. A dope head will always be an addict but through treatment they can find recovery and live a sober life. Well a street guy will always see that angle or way to take advantage of someone who's vulnerable or a way to make the easy buck. To this day I can't help but think of how I can take advantage of a situation for me benefit but I catch myself and think about the consequences, how it will effect my children, my wife, and friends and family who stood by me through my bullshit over the years. Not everyone has the same heart you or I do. Not everyone cares. Carmine is like a dope fiend who won't go to detox and refuses to work on his recovery. It's all he knows and he's either too selfish or too stupid to think about the big picture and the way his decisions will effect him and the people close to him.

Yep thats the difference between you and those guys...the fact that you have it in you and wanna get over, but are able to think of your family and consequences and stop...these hardcore guys either dont think about the consequences...dont really give a fuck about them...or just accept them as part of their life...but you are able to separate that part of it.

Good post.