To me, it's not even complicated at all;

These guys were made when they were kids, then got 20,25, 30, 35 years when they were really STILL kids, did their time, the world moved without them, they got out, and now they are just trying to get on their feet, get their LIVES back together, I'm sure that's what driving them at the moment.

Thing is, I don't know what people expect, it's not like there is some huge pie to come back to that they can demand a piece of, and by the same token, if these guys get something going, after doing all that time, they are not going to just hand over huge chunks of hard earned (or stolen lol) money to some guy who is ranked higher says who? Nor would anyone really be in a position to demand that much tribute from these guys, like you do 30 years, and right away some guy ask you to kick up? Lol would you? So I see the top what four guys, doing their own thing, probably following the Castellano modus operandi, anything you have now you keep, anything more you want we talk....

It seems much more clear cut to me...