I don't vote and don't believe in politics as a means to solve societal problems but I think it's ironic that Trump is probably the least hawkish person in the race. All the other candidates seem like they wouldn't mind starting world war 3 and nuking multiple countries.
Trump talks tough against obvious enemies like ISIS like the American people want someone to, yet he isn't like these other blood thirsty candidates that want to attack and invade every country. I admire that. Yet were told he's dangerous and don't trust him with the nukes. Hilary Clinton is no peacenik.

I also don't buy into the moderate candidate thing. People are sick of that. In politics moderate has come to mean somebody that panders to whatever crowd they're in front of, stands for no real principles, flip flops whatever they think it'll help and has no real ideological difference between the other major party establishment.

If people cared about logic than none of the candidates would be considered. Why single out Trump?