Trump resonates with voters due to his unorthodox campaigning ( no political correctness). He says what most americans want their leader to say but never do.
He also comes across as strong and undeterred by any other world leaders.
Classic america can be opitomized in the 1950's, everyone worked, families ate dinner together, no phone calls at dinner, kids respected their parents, teachers and cops were always right, and america had a strong military. I believe americans want those glory days of the 1950's back.
When i think of America, i have images of the way we came together as a nation during and just after world war II. The patriotism, the courage, the toughness, and the strong work ethic. I marvel at the sight of all the buildings and highways that were built Its astounding,
When i watch war footage, im humbled by the bravery.
As far as Obamacare, i have a big problem with the government forcing any company with more than 50 employees to pay for health coverage. That is insane and a socialist idealogy.
I have no problem with some of the laws of obamacare , there are some logical aspects of it. Examples, closing the donut hole, not being able to kick someone off a plan because they are too sick or raising premiums because of illness, and denying coverage. Those are all great points but forcing a business to offer it is something i vehemently oppose.

Last edited by Belmont; 02/22/16 03:54 PM.