Originally Posted By: Kasparoza
But he didn't throw them under the bus. No one was ever indicted or prosecuted. Nothing came of the meeting.

It doesn't matter if nothing came of the meeting. The fact that it happened is what matters. What do you think John Gotti Sr. would call a guy for doing what Jr. did? What do you think he would do? Sr. even called Carmine Persico a rat for admitting there was a mafia during the commission trial. Now Junior has written a book, talks about being made, talks about LCN, names of guys are being tossed around, names of guys who are still in the life! Only a rat would do that. Only a rat would meet with prosecutors with information about other people in hopes of striking a deal. Why do you even think he met with them? So he could try their coffee? You even got Junior on tape saying it was a "moment of weakness" lol.