@ Ivey

I understand how you wanna keep the boards from devolving into a mess of lies, and misinformation, I get that.

But sometimes it appears to be something else, I'm not privy to the past arguments on here, but it does seem like it made you a little biased when discussing the Midwest, case in point;

Forget modern day Detroit, you argued with me that they COULDNT HAVE been a power in the 40s and 50s, which I found utterly bizarre, more so cause your only refutation was that Detroit wasn't New York.

Same deal in a thread about loan sharks with Todoped, Buccieri, in your estimation could not have been a bigger loan shark than a NY guy, cause it's Chicago and not NY. And then you ignore people's analysis of available data, like everyone is retarded but you, that's annoying.

When I first came on here, I tried to tell you guys about a nephew of Gus Alex I know, young guy, into a lot of shit. You flat out basically called me a liar, just fuckin disrespectful.

I saw a similar thing happen in a thread with PB. They were talking about the Bronx, a guy call OnDaFly came in, and right away, someone, (not from the fuckin Bronx clearly) tries to call the guy out, until PB vouched for him, then by the end of the thread, they were the only ones talking and everyone is all "Wow", I'm reading it like, what the fuck is this? Lol

So, I get you, I do. But like I said before, just be wary of maintaining double standards... But keep being you, your research is unimpeachable...