I agree , this is beyond embarrassing and honestly this is embarrassing for CN . How can either of these guys look themselves in the mirror . This is cringe worthy stuff

Sad how Anastasia sold his soul and has ruined an otherwise respectable reputation . He has basically decided to end his career like that clown that wrote about Casso. Why George why ? No amount of $ is worth ruining you rep forever , just sad , that's honestly how I feel .

Ironically JA lack of credibility is partly the reason junior is still a free man lol.That Fake Bonnano wise guy that did Vinnie in is still IMO the #1 most embarrassing rat there is but Alite is doing a solid job of locking up second place

And Junior , I just don't get it , you have already shamed your family with the profer but now JAfacts Facebook pages , I just can't believe this. Sr had some brains but outside of Massino was the worst boss in history . Can you imagine Chin or Barney being upset over the papers writing you get a haircut every other day instead of every day . Massino was at least an intelligent and effective leader but there is just no way to explain how terrible Sr and Jr were to CN

However now with Jr being a confirmed rat and now having on line battles over who is the least credible rat is beyond embarrassing . This is all just shocking , Jr just let it go , you ratted and your making it worse by engaging a person with no credibility . The word has always been he wasn't intelligent but this borders on outright severe mental deficiency

I don't like posting over stupid stuff like this and where we arent even talking about the game and moves but this is the most embarrassing behavior by wise guys probably ever . That Bonnano guy is right up there with them tho

I have a lot of family in Queens and both Junior and JA were legit tough guys , both killers , neither has a brain but both had legit tough guy reps . After this I don't see any Gotti having any future role with the family . I feel bad Gene has to carry that name around still as he doesn't deserve being associated with Sr or Jr .

This is just so embarrassing for CN . Jr was disciplined a few years back but it's getting to the point where somebody needs to tell them to shut the F up or be silenced .