Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
"The Feds have a vendetta against the Gotti family blah blah blah.."

*5 minutes later*

"Oh wait it was Joseph Corozzo and a mob lawyer who sent the proffer to Alite"


I find gangstereport's dick measuring contest over who is a bigger scumbag/rat between Gotti and Alite very humorous in light of his having a go at me for comments re: Sabrina Bellomo.

Not to mention his moronic and unfounded comments re: Feds and Gotti.

And only the biggest mob groupie would think Gotti Jr. didn't get off lightly for - among other things - attempted murder on Curtis Sliwa.

have i once on this thread said alite is a bigger scumbag than gotti junior

they are both as bad as each other

i had a go at you about bellomos daughter awhile back because you accused her of being house counsel of the mob with no everdince

and if you read what i posted i dont think it was the corezzo who gave him the document i still dont believe

i dont think i have defend gotti junior once and i dont think my comments were "moronic"

your just trying to start trouble not once have i said alite is a bigger scumbag than junior. I dont know why you even brought up the bellomo thing when that happened a week ago someone disgareeing with you the petty stuff i see on this site is ridiciclous

Last edited by gangstereport; 02/17/16 08:47 AM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion