Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
I do too, but you have to give it to him, by posting Gotti Jr.'s proffer he revealed to the world that Junior was nothing more than a rat. If we didn't see it and he instead just wrote about it, we would have all called it bullshit. He exposed Gotti jr.

I agree 100%. As much as this Alite guy annoys me, it's impossible to gloss over this FACT about Junior. Before Alite came along with the 302s, very few of us believed there was any truth to the rumors that Junior had ratted during a proffer meeting. Junior even denied this proffer meeting took place. I believed him. After all, this was John Gotti's son. But by giving us the 302s, this guy Alite successfully exposed Junior as a rat and a liar. That really stung I believe. Didn't Jr. have some guy go all over the internet to defend him and try to shit all over Alite? I forget the guy's name.