But technically it wasn't the generals. It was the troops. Check out Mussolini's adventures in North Africa as one of many examples of Italian army's abysmal failures.

Not that that's a bad thing. They were fighting for a facist state after all.

This is bullshit,the third reich was a fascist state too,but they had Speer,Von Maistein,Model ecc all officers and generals who modernized the army and the air force while in Italy all the senior officers they were firm to the Great War. Italy went with no heavy tank, a few medium tanks and many light tanks said boxes of sardines.
The army had no radar, the Navy no aircraft carriers because Mussolini was saying that the Italy was a natural airplane carrier, the grenades did not explode many times; in all that Italians have fought with honor even Rommel hated Italians had said after el alamein "Italians have done more than should and could have done with their little armaments"

Lacked the luck, not the value

This is the tanks,with Italy went to war, we had 2000 of this


However, I am angry because I remember my grandfather telling me how with frozen feet managed to save before returning to Italy, being captured by the Germans, directed at Fossoli and then to the concentration camp and then fled into the compartment spare wheel of a German machine.