Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
I'm still debating whether or not to watch Alias this season. This will be the first time that I'll actually be caught up with the show after watching the first 3 seasons on DVD. I love the show, but I love it even more because seeing it on DVD is better than having to wait a week between episodes.
Dude, if a huge fan of "24" like myself can wait a week between each episode and then buy the DVD and watch the season again when that comes out, you can surely wait for a week to see each new episode of "Alias". Trust me, it's not that hard to do, especially if you talk to your friends about what you think might or might not happen. Plus, you won't have to wait as long to see the season if you watch it on television as you would if you were waiting for it to come out on DVD.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986