I'll point something else out about that article.

It says membership had dropped to 30-35 at the time of the GamTax trial (1996). When that article was written in 2011 it says the membership was 40-50.

So let me get this straight. Over the 15 year period from 1996 to 2011 the family actually GREW in size from 30-35 to 40-50 members?

How likely is that when just in the 10 year period between 2000 and 2011 they had around 20 members or possible members die? That's not counting any that died between 1996 and 2000.

Not only would the family have to make enough guys to replace all those that died JUST to stay at 30-35 members. They would also have to make anywhere from 5 to 20 ADDITIONAL members to grow to 40-50 members by 2011.

And that's something pretty much no other family was doing unless you count the Bonannos from the early 1990s to early 2000s. And most would agree comparing them and Detroit is apples and oranges. Especially when we saw increased Bonanno indictments as a result.

The Detroit family is not only able to maintain but GROW in size to be as big or bigger as any of the families outside NY by 2011 but barely be a blip on the law enforcment radar? How likely is that? And where are they getting all these new recruits? Even Scott says most of the younger generation isn't getting involved in the life so where did all these new guys come from?

Needless to say, the math doesn't add up. It defies logic when you look at all the factors. But people continue to swallow it because it's what they want to hear. Well they can stay in fantasy land. I prefer to deal in realities.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.