Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Wouldnt let this video of him fool you.

Guy was very serious.

To be dealing with the highwaymen and Outlaws and other 1 percenters, and to be respected by them...speaks a whole hell of a lot more than some keyboard warriors making fun of him for a portion of a silly show he was trying to shop.

exactly this guy was a mean guy and a mad killer alot of bodies are tied to this guy dont forget he was one of the guys caught on the famous feds surveliance pictures in 1979 when jack tocco was made boss

he was doing this in an attempt to make a bit of money he was hoping to make a tv show and he backed out so this never went through.

This guy might have even signed of his kids death who knows thats what some think he is LCN to the core and he hates jackie

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion