Originally Posted By: gangstereport
ivy stop attacking scott at every moment he is a well respected reporter in what he does for fucks sake his detroit stuff is good and those charts half of those guys he never said were made so i dont understand where you get it from "internet chart" where the fuck do you get this from you try and make him out to be this ed scarpo type not a well respected reporter

let me guess your talking about allen hilf well he died two years ago and if i remember rightly scott labeled him as "street counsel" which he was anyone who has done the slighted bit of reason even without scotts site would know hilf was very close to the giacalones and was seen as a advisor and prominent bookmaker

detroit has always had alot of associates then again you probably dont know that always had crews that are non italien working for them since the 40s. One of the top guys on the streets in the 80s was syrian

he said recently a year ago on the other site that he believed there was around 30 made guys today. Your right alot of guys have died but is it not possible to imagine there being new guys being inducted

Dont come out with that lack of indicments because the feds see it as a viable family they followed billy Jack around the feds in the mid to late 2000s some believe they even bugged the care home he was at before he died. Your forgetting what a mess Detroit is and the feds dont really have the resources to be building major indictments other more violent groups. The feds see them as a viable family

no one is saying they are some major family with control over unions what even you must be able to see that this is a viable family with a hierarchy if you cant see that with all the everdince available and not just scott either then i really dont know what to say

Don't bother. It's useless to even try anymore.