Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
Didn't Leonetti come into Philadelphia and met with Scarfo Jr after he had cooperated? Also didn't he do a Documentary too? That's not like being "phantoms". Featherstone and a few others are the true "phantoms" Not a peep is ever heard from them. Guys like Alite, Previte, Caramandi, Hill, Gravano, Franzese, Montiglio, Didonato and a few others crave the spotlight and some are even living out there in the open.

I like your definition of a psychopath and the behavior of dogs around them AliceCooper!

In his book Leonetti said that turned to philly because his granma was dying and that meet nicky jr at his restaurant.
I want to defend Leonetti. For make a change like that: rat on a person who was like a father and go away and stay in the shadow must be a good reason.Hill flip cause the drugs, the others had an excuse gravano is because gotti betrayl and would give all the blame on him,all bullshit, 19 people dead in exchange of the immunity is a good deal,will be idiot to refuse.

Its bad to say but sociopats don't smell differently because 8n this case with a dog you can easly find them.