Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121

I have been on RD for a while and I certainly was there during your constant feuds with everyone...in particular the last one with Pic that got you the boot...

And you go through the same thing here from what I see...exactly what is going on here...

Hardly anyone ever gets banned on the RD...you really have to push buttons to get banned...and you did.

Anyway, its useless to go back and forth with you as history has proven so good day sir.

The heck are you talking about? Several long time posters got the axe from the RD board. It's why the BH board was created in the first place.

And what happened on the RD is not even remotely similar to anything going on here. Maybe you're just saying that in hopes I'll be banned here, and then you could post all the BS about Detroit you want without anyone calling you on it, but there's no comparison.

And for the record, I and others who called out Pic on his BS were vindicated long term. Me and at least one other long time poster were banned because we wouldn't eat out of Pic's hand like his groupies. We didn't take everything he said as gospel. Eventually the powers that be on the RD caved to the pressure and banned both of us. Of course, later it was determined by everyone that Pic was Lenehan and not some made guy posting away on message board.

Pic and his flunkies were mostly the only ones I argued with. And now time and the truth has chopped Pic down to size and his groupies have mostly scattered to the wind. Meanwhile you have real Mensa members like Dan and louieb left over there.

Actually there were a lot more things pointing to him not being Lenehan...so I dunno what u are talking about...

You must get your facts from the anti piccaso lenehan website lmao