Black Family
You are so missing the damn point. Of course there is a black market for guns. How do you think those guns get to those black markets in the first place?
Guys travel to states like south carolina that have very lax laws and either buy guns themselves or they have friends or relatives that live there and buy the guns
For them . They either buy many over a period of time or a few depending on what the objective is. When these guns are later sold on the streets and used in a crime and then the gun gets traced back, the original purchaser can say : " hey, my guns must of got stolen". There are no laws that force someone to report a lost or stolen gun in south carolina and many states which is just insane.
Obviously many criminal gun dealers take off the serial numbers so they cant be traced.
Also, illegal gun illegal dealers buy them at gun shows and over the net. Thats how they get into the hands of criminals. Doing back ground checks and creating a data base will certainly curtail that. Why should my cousin Joe be able to sell me is 9 mil glock without a background check?? And i was a fuckin criminal for years. No way should i of owned a
What dont you get black family?

Last edited by Belmont; 01/10/16 09:09 PM.