Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
The Detroit mob probably intrigues me more than any other family regardless of size. They were just so unique. Obviously now, not as interesting but in their heyday for a smaller family they were into a ton of shit.

The Hoffa Saga...in on the casinos...represented on the commission....

Just a lot of colorful characters

Yea they are fascinating I Agree plus theyre pry one of if not the only positive advertisements for incest lol..I mean from what ive read they've largely inter married and have had what 1 made guy flip in nearly 100 yrs..and I know im of the minority but I tend to think they're in good shape they have a fully functional admin in a city that is rife with corruption (i think like 5 of the last 6 mayors went to prison) and idc what anyone says when a city economically is attempting to rebound and govt and private funded construction and development contracts are flying to anyone willing to have a go at rebuilding theres major money making opportunities for oc..not trying to start a debate w ivy or anyone but just bc theres no LE major busts does NOT negate the fact that they have a close knit fam with full admin and what 3-4 capos..imo theyre doing much better than people think and to ignore the impact of Detroits rebuilding in evaluating the viability of the fam is sbort sighted..end of rant

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"