Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
Slumpy you are right. Funny how there is a heated debate on the other site and all of a sudden this post is brought back up here as well with the same posts. I refuse to even get into it.

Not gonna lie, that shit gets on my nerves. They absolutely HATE IT when you state they arent Bonannos. Its like they look up to the NY families more than any other for whatever reason. I posted Vitales court testimony, some guys said I had an obvious valid argument (thanks Sonny, I see you bro, Lol). But just yesterday this one guy reads that same testimony, comments on it, and says "he didn't say anything that has to do with the Rizzutos no longer being Bonannos", even though splinter group by all intents and purposes of the word, means they broke off. And that's exactly what Vitale describes them as. I just gave up, like "oh okay"...Yet not one of them can explain the lack of any Bonanno names coming up in Rizzuto investigations. No audio from any Montreal mafiosi, no wiretaps, no transcripts, implying they answered to the Bonannos. And I'm positively certain this Peccatore character is "toto". And the hilarious thing is, whos their source that the Rizzutos were Bonannos and subservient to them? Dominick Cicale, of all people, and his book with Ed Scarpo. Who btw, despite all his bad habits, HE even states in the same book, that Rizzuto was the boss of his own crime family. Talk about contradictions.

@ CabriniGreen, the other forum is The Black Hand.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 01/08/16 10:17 AM.