This was in 1963 a good 16years before Jack tocco took over as boss back then he flashier than he was by the time he took over as boss I think he was only a soldier then but even then he was rising fast in the mob

There is other wiretaps of Tony giacalone I posted around a week ago hopefully Scott posts some more soon it is very interesting the giacalones are the most interesting mobsters ever from detroit a FBI agent described them as a flashy when compared to the toccos I remember he said that Jack tocco was like Paul castanalno and the giacalone brothers and jackie the kid were more like gotti the giacalone brothers and jackie the kid have a very violent past a lot of murders linked to them.

Detroit mob fascinates me more than any other family and there is not a lot known about them very interesting family

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion