Originally Posted By: Belmont
He should of been released years ago. Providing information about a terrorist who wants to kill innocent woman amd children and then calling him a rat? Not sure i agree with that. This had nothing to do with cosa nostra.
I guarantee 99% of stand up/ made guys on the street woukd somehow get info to the feds if they knew of a pending terrorist attack.
Keep in mind that although criminals hate law endorcement , most are patriotic, especially the older guys who faught in wars.
No one would ever touch scarpa, he could even open a pizzeria in bensonhurst. Lol

Informing the gov on a possible terror related issue is not snitching. Kids and women? Innocent people ? Fuck outta here. Anyone who says that's telling is a mutt. This is the safety of our country and everyday people who have nothing to do with the street. You're spot on Belmont. As usual. Don't know much else about Scarpa Jr. but in this case no way can u label what he did telling.