Its very common for people in NY to have a 9 to 5 while still having a little hustle on the side. Youre not introducing anything new or unheard of. $1-2,000, thats what the government pays some people on disability. Youre not exactly living large with that.

And I for sure am not what you call "well off". But its obvious these guys arent making the money they were in the 70s and 80s. Compared to those guys, a lot of these guys are brokesters. Your own local journalists say it all the time. And that's what we're saying, nobody is denying they might be making money, but it's chump change compared to what it used to be. I won't go far as to say it isnt enough to war over. As I don't doubt for a second a lot of these guys would kill for a bigger piece of that smaller pie.