this is what scott had to say about the rocco maniscalco hit in 2010

Rocco Maniscalco (June 10, 2010) – South Philly auto bodyshop owner, reputed drug dealer and bookie was shot to death as he walked home after leaving a local bar down the block from his rowhouse where he had just watched a playoff hockey game, possibly killed for repeatedly rebuffing mafia shakedown attempts. FBI files indicate that imprisoned then-consigliere George (Georgie Boy) Borgesi had sent strong-arms to squeeze Maniscalco and extort money from his gambling and narcotics businesses in the months leading up to his slaying. Maniscalco, 38, was the grandson of legendary Philadelphia mobster Harry (the Hunchback) Riccobene.

its hard to know it could have been mob related it could have also been drug related. I personally think it had nothing to do with the mob why kill someone you are trying to shake down it makes no sense

Last edited by gangstereport; 12/28/15 02:44 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion