1. Undoubtedly will happen, Check. -waiting for a Native one , Buffering.
2. Patriotism at its finest. Check
3. Backbone with reinforce grey hair, check.
4. Elephant in the room , check.
5. New wall added to budget, from where? Tax payers, Check.
6. Increase patrol on top patrol, volunteers from local militias, Check.
7. Reinforce the black & latino community with extra attention, Check. - what about the whites poverty, drug abuse, and Unmarried babies? Buffering .
8. No Bull Dynasty. Check
9. Buffering. ( The South raises The Finger Flag)
10. Tough Talk, Visible Enemies. Check - what about "other" domestic terrorism ? Buffering.

To the next episode...

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb