Originally Posted By: BronaZora
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Nobody is denying that high level associates can have a lot of influence. Sometimes even more than some made guys if they are close enough to the boss or in a key money making position. But technically speaking, they are still associates. I see no convincing evidence that Fernandez was more than that. In other words, I don't believe he went through any kind of formal making ritual ie was seen in the same way as actual made members who had.

Would you say that Al Capone was only a high level associate because he had no formal ceremony?

No but the Chicago mob at that time, and probably up through the 1960's, was a unique case. But Capone was at least Italian. So you really can't draw a parallel between him and Fernandez.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.