As to what Cabrini said. That's part of the mystery though, Desjardins may not have been able to go to Sicily and pretend to be a made guy, but Fernandez sure did. There's no evidence to support Vito having him killed to save face for making a spaniard, or any other reason. Fact is, Fernandez dealt with Carbone & Scaduto, those were his main guys in Sicily, both of those guys, worked with Fernandez and they knew of him because of his days back in Montreal. Carbone, I believe, turned rat and then testified and claimed that he always thought Fernandez was more talk. But that didn't encourage him to step up to Fernandez and dispute his "made" status. While in Sicily, Rizzuto's lawyer was in contact with Carbone & Scaduto, he wanted Fernandez to visit with him in the DR. When Carbone delivered the message it was always "The boss, you have to go see the priest..." Fernandez would then call a Canadian contact and complain about it. He blew off Rizzuto twice, that's why he was killed.

And I will say this, I believe the Sicilians only dealt with Fernandez because of his ability to earn. He was trying to import prescription drugs and marijuana into Sicily. The prescription drugs were confiscated before they ever got to Bagheria, and it pissed guys off because Fernandez promised them this shipment would go through. HE turned to marijuana and the property he and the other guy were killed on, was in the process of being turned into a cultivation farm. Had Rizzuto not made the decision to have him killed when he did, had he stayed in Sicily, I think Fernandez would've been killed anyway, because he wasn't coming through on his business promises.