While I'm aware of the decline of the Sicilian Mafia in recent times, I don't think that would cause them to throw all rules and tradition out the window and recognize a non-Italian as being made. Nor would that even be necessary to do business with him.

If it were true, it would be a landmark first. Even the American mob, with its much greater decline and shrinking membership, has never made a guy with no Italian blood. The only possibility for a precedent is the Scottish guy who may have been made into the Camorra. But, in addition to the Camorra having always been more porous and looser with the rules, I'm not sure that was ever 100% verified.

But out of nowhere, and without any need to do so, Vito Rizzuto is going to take it upon himself to make a non-Italian? Especially considering how insular and clannish the Rizzutos and their inner circle were said to be? C'mon.

Bottom line, I'd have to see more proof than Fernandez talking on the phone to believe it.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.