Also Ivey, I would counter that a made guy is only valuable if he's bringing something to the table;
It's never really been, we've got a multi-million dollar operation, let's make this guy and give it to him, it's he's got a million dollar operation, let's make him, so we can take a piece.
It's like Sinatra said, Joe Bravo wasn't hit because he wanted a seat at the table, he was hit cause Rizzuto ordered it.
Difference between him and the Frenchman, is he didn't step outside of Montreal, that was a mistake.
I would also say it's an example of the dynamics I outlined above, Sinatra stated that the Sicilians continued to business with him, I'm not surprised at all, if you understand the state of Cosa Nostra at this time. If I'm not mistaken, this is a period of decline for the Sicilian mafia. This is the period where they are falling over themselves to business with Frank Cali, where their dominant position in the drug trade has been weakened by the crackdowns as a result of the 80s bombings, but also their inability to adapt to the cocaine market, which the Calabrians and Napels gangsters beat them to. This is a Sicilian mafia that is having trouble with protection money, which was always their bread and butter, along with the citrus market, land estates, and construction and such....
So it could very well be that they would have, maybe even WANTED t ack Joe Bravo, but they would sacrificing a steady drug supply, at a time when they really needed it.
It's very possible Joe Bravo was hit because he was making TOO many inroads in Sicily.
I'm really am of the opinion that they don't really have making ceremonies, they have MARRIAGES. Sixth family talk about the Commisos, Manno, Rizzuto, LoPresti, Scascia, CAruana-[BadWord], if your name isn't one of these family ties, you better have a drug connect, control a market, or something useful to these people...