Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: gangstereport
Originally Posted By: mulberry
Paul would have appointed Jimmy Brown to run the family. Nobody would have touched him.

thats not true paul did not even consider jimmy brown

paul held a meeting a month before he was killed with all the capos he said he was making tommy biletti his boss and tommy gambino his underboss. That angered all the capos even the ones who were with paul


GOTTI: Rise and Fall by jerry capeci

according to his book paul decicied on running a ruling panel before he went away it was to have john gotti tommy gambino and tommy B but that was only to keep neil happy. As soon as neil died paul changed his mind and told all the capos that tommy b would be the acting boss and tommy gambino underboss. He said he would also break the gotti crew and in a moment of jealously suggest neil was a rat which apparently sent gotti into rage

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion