
Oh yeah probably they are in some way benefitting from it. But like you said, to say that they "run" the drug trade over there is an overstatement.

I know that in Lebanon you have lots of independent drug traffickers. In a lot of cases terrorist groups demand some sort of "fee" from the drug traffickers. So in that way they do get something out of the drug trade.

I have a couple of Turkish friends as well. As well as a couple of Kurdish and Albanian ones. Generally speaking Turks are only moderately religious. They do feel some connection with their belief, but it's quite superficial. Most I know party, drink alcohol... Albanians are a bit of the same. They're possibly even less notably religious than Turks are. Kurds are said to be more religious than Turks or Albanians are, but that isn't really the case either with the ones I know.
I've even been to a Moroccan wedding ones. They're from a more Arab background and are far more religiously traditional. But even there you have a lot of the younger guys keeping a bottle of scotch in their car. But they mostly gather to drink at the parking space lol