I am not a practing Catholic. Lost that as a kid lost everything as a kid.

But I do go to church for things like my grand children's baptism and confirmations.

But their is a priest in my local parish that makes things great for kids. He even has a cooking show on tv. What a promoter of catholic religion he is and he is a funny guy.

The MLS should hire him to promote soccer here in the US.

When I do go to church for these things I have a good time. One my grand children is not Catholic she is a Moslem she has a good time in church as well go figure. She loves getting gifts at Christmas time. My oldest son fell in love with his first wife a Moslem. She had a young daughter from another husband.

They divorced but that has not changed the way we all feel about my grand daughter through marriage. We all still love her she is the coolest. She loves all of us as well. My youngest son said he will not have anything to do with her after his brothers divorce. That lasted a whole week. She is very hard not to love.

Merry christmas

only the unloved hate