There's petition flying around online at the moment to ban Trump from the UK in light of his recent comments about banning muslims from entering the US -its hit nearly half a million signatures so far. So much for free speech...what we do apparently find acceptable though (without even being able to talk about a petition for fear of being beaten down as "racist") are so called Islamic "hate preachers" to shout on for hours in local parks in London about how much they hate the UK and trying their best to cause divides and encourage a jihad.

I heard some asshole on the radio this morning asking how Trump would feel if the UK decided to ban all Americans from entering the UK...and actually being given a platform to explain her point!! WTF! There's also talk about boycotting his business ventures here...that'll obviously just hit the people trying to earn a living but the rabid minority just want their way.

Luckily, another petition has started to NOT ban him from the UK and its at 400k...probably a safer way of free speech than other methods mind you, just ask Charlie Hebdo HQ in France.

I am though, thinking about starting a petition to ban online petitions...!