Originally Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto
Why do you find them so fascinating? There must be something about them that you find appealing. The first time you started reading about this, wasn't there a part of you that thought this stuff was cool? If you truly despised the mob and you found them to be nothing more scumbags and thugs with no moral compass then you probably wouldn't spend all day talking about them, now would you? It doesn't make any sense.

First, I don't spend all day talking about them.

Second, people can study serial killers without thinking they are cool. Same for the mob. I find the mob as a whole more fascinating than individual mobsters.

I'm sorry if you can't wrap your head around it but you need to stop projecting yourself and why you like the mob on others.

Originally Posted By: mulberry
Admit it or not, everyone here thinks they are fascinating and cool. Deep down inside, most wouldn't mind living that life if we could get away with it without being murdered or dying in prison. Probably not killing people, but who doesn't envy the easy money, power, respect, and women? That's what attracted most mobsters to the life. The reality if the life keeps most same people away.

Again, fascinating yes. Cool, no.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.