Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: carminezazzi
does this ivy league guy know everything or? pretty sick of his arrogance to be honest. Your a mob fanboy, not an expert....

First, anyone who knows me on these forums will tell you the LAST thing I am is a mob fan boy.

Second, you don't have to take my word for it. There was no LCN family in Denver recognized by the FBI or any mob experts in the 1990's or early 2000's.

Third, by the early 2000's it had been 20 years since the last mob bust there.

Kenji can claim whatever he wants and you're free to believe it. But you're ignoring all the contradictory evidence for anecdotal evidence by one guy.

THAT is the sign of a mob fanboy.

But you must be fascinated with the mob, that is why most of us are here. A part of you is in love with that life. There is nothing wrong with admitting that. Could you be friends with a mobster? Of course you could. I'm not saying you're a fanboy, but someone who talks and thinks about mobsters every single day doesn't exactly seem to hate mobsters. There is something about them we admire.