I just read about these 2 crimes in Russia and can't help but share the laugh with others. I know murder is a horrible thing by itself, but the circumstances here are so absurd I don't know whether to laugh or to cry....

1) A man in the city of Rostov in 2013 shot another man following an argument.....over the philosopher Immanuel Kant's theories!

2) This year, in a suburb of the city of Kaluga, a 76-year-old man has stabbed to death his friend whom he had been drinking with, after the other man told him he is an American secret agent and sends to Obama all the information he gathers around.

Have you heard about other crimes that dumb?

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."