Originally Posted By: BigRed
Originally Posted By: 2a
Anyways my question is does the Irish Mob still exist in America ? I know that the K&A gang is listed as active , however they don't seem to be much of a mob group .

If it still exists then what places is it active in ? What are its main rackets ? How influential are they ?

I don't know why you don't classify the K&A Gang as a "mob group." They made a ton of money through crime while working together. What more do you need? They don't exist anymore though.

That said there has never been an Irish Mob in the United States. There has never been a group of exclusively Irish or Irish American criminals in the United States. There have been groups of predominately Irish criminals but never one that Irishness was the uniting factor.

Except for, alledgedly, the original Aryan Brotherhood. But that's certainly not the case anymore.

Well I'm just going by what I've read about the K&A Gang . Based on that they started out as a loose affiliation of independent burglary crews and later morphed into a drug gang with no clear structure . I mean their wikipedia entry says they had a more hierarchical structure during their meth days , however it still isn't clear to me if they were more of an OC group or just a loosely affiliated band of crooks .

Anyways thanks for the info and feel free to correct me if you want .