Yet it's perfectly fine for you to claim that all people of a WASP background are hateful and unable to coexist with other races?

There's a certain amount of them that have caused (and probably still cause) their share of problems: racism, white trash criminality...among others. But they should in no way be a standard-bearer for the millions of people who just happen to be from a WASP background. Because if you go back in time, somewhere down the line you'll find that a certain amount of the Italians and Irish weren't exactly fond of the African-Americans either.

Of course, British his post wasn't accurate at all in describing the Irish Catholic community as a whole. But on the other hand, there's no denying that a small amount of the Irish still were stuck in more impoverished communities where SOME (not all) chose a life of crime. Who gave us that band of psychopaths known as The Westies that carried around dismembered body parts as if it were a bag of groceries? Or that Southie stool pigeon who allegedly strangled hookers for a pastime activity? Not the WASP's.

There's nothing wrong with calling a bunch of redneck dope dealers and killers such as the Aryan Brotherhood "hicks". Because it's their behavior that makes them to be a "redneck", "hick", "white trash"...whatever. But using any of those names as a blanket for an entire group of people just because they happen to be from Mississippi or Alabama, is just as derogatory and offensive as saying the Irish clung together in crime- and drug-infested shithole ghettos.

And making it seem as if it were just the Irish who built the entire country, isn't accurate either. Because (now we're stereotyping anyway) Fergus, Carmine, Billy Bob, Tyrone, Hyman and Carlos all had their hands in the creation and development of the country.

Last edited by TheKillingJoke; 12/01/15 06:28 AM.