Originally Posted By: Homers77
Costanostra news has an article.

The article so includes family membership estimates which were interesting. Smaller numbers than expected.

Writing was pretty horrible too! I am a CPA and sometimes my write ups need some editing but even I could see the writing was pretty awful for a writer!

And the amount of pop ups omg so annoying!

But interesting article.

The figures he posted are from a 2004. Some of them look feasible. Others nor so much.


Some other things in the article that stood out...

Federici and Malangone were once under Generoso? As in the same crew?

The Colombos and Bonannos almost extinct and being largely run by the other families? Doubtful on both points.

I'm not sure either Generoso or Dentico ever had the underboss spot.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.