Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
It's a pointless argument because Napolitano was killed for an entirely different reason than what Paul was going to whack Gotti for.

If one of Chin's or Ducks's soldiers was caught on tape talking about one of them the way Ruggiero was caught talking about Castellano at that time, what do you think would have happened? They never would have seen '84 let alone '85.

Now, as far as who was truer CN. It was Napolitano. Now, I always give Gotti his due for being a stand-up guy. But he was a criminal to the core, whereas Napolitano and others were Cosa Nostra to the core.

I agree, Sonny Blackstein was the one who compared Sonny to Gotti, not me but I understand why he did. His argument is that Sonny went to the meet regardless due to his LCN beliefs & Gotti is a "coward" for responding with murder

Like u said PN complete different scenarios- let me say this

If Neil was boss & Gotti was sent for ( and John knew he was in trouble) would he have attended the meet or would he have sent the Sparks shooters after Neil? I think we can all agree he loved Neil & would never make a move

Gotti would attend the meet and hope he can resolve the problem & yes gettin whacked is a real possibility. So in that sense he was just as much LCN as Sonny was

Now let's say Galante was still the boss when this donnie Brasco stuff hit the fan- do u think Sonny would have met Galante knowing Galante might hit him? I very much doubt it, he was never loyal to Galante & lets just say for argument sake Rusty sent word (his side are supporting Sonny) they're going to strip him as punishment

BUT Galante wants Sonny dead as well as a few other guys who dealt with this Donnie from Rusty's side. Do u think sonny along with his guys will meet the homicidal maniac Galante to get whacked? No chance they would have struck back so that goes the theory Sonny is LCN all the way

LCN is a myth & these guys are only LCN when it suits their purposes.