Originally Posted By: Kasparoza
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
First off, it's Thanksgiving. I have too much on my plate today to worry about providing proof. The burden of proof falls upon you because of your blind denial and the fact that, judging from your book links, you were still a kid when it all went down. But just keep in mind that right after Gotti and Frankie were sentenced, they went to great lengths to avoid surveillance.

However, being that you seem to be a genuinely nice guy, and my pal Dan asked me to give you a break awhile back, I will. You just have to do me one favor. Just ask Junior if he regrets throwing in with Greg and Craig, in favor of Tore and Richie. He'll know what I mean, even if he claims ignorance. If he can give me a simple "Yes, I regret that," you have my word that I'll never post about the subject matter again.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Although, there's no need to 'give me a break.' If you're not trolling and genuinely believe me to be wrong, please continue. If I'm wrong then I'd appreciate you or anyone else correcting me so I can be right. But-- I won't be convinced without proof. I'm sure you understand. And the proof I've seen points to Alite not being on record after 91, and, if he really had an interest in a strip club in the Bronx then why did he leave that out of his book? For sure he would have mentioned it.

I'm 30 and my age has nothing to do with it. Neither does yours. What would count is if you were in the life and have firsthand knowledge. I'm here under my own name and anyone can look me up, the same can't be said for you. No disrespect but you could be a teenager in Ohio, just one with an uncle in New York who tells him stories.

It's all good though, let's just agree to disagree for now. I have a lot on my plate also and need to focus. The Internet can be a huge distraction.

As for the other stuff-- I'll ask him. As long as he's not breaking confidences I don't see why he wouldn't answer. Whether the answer he gives is something to be put on the Internet is another question. I don't recall him talking about The Bronx in his book. His book focused more on his own trials more than anything else. He doesn't have absolution for his crimes and couldn't dive into the deep end with the street stuff even if he wanted to. The government would love to indict him again. They tried to flip more people against him, including his cousin, after his 4th mistrial even. They tried to put a whole new case on him.

One more thing-- No one calls him 'Junior.' That's like an insult. It's just John.

Happy Thanksgiving man. My best to you.

OK, I swore I wouldn't post here anymore but I've had more homeade than I probably should have. My old man always taught me before you make assumptions do your home work. if you took ten minutes to research who you are talking about then you would know he isn't an internet kid from Ohio as you put it. you re a cornball dick rider. wanna be writer. i know you don't have a real job cause if you did you wouldn't have time to put up these corny websites. you know who does things like that? internet kids from ohio.trust me my friend, you'd shit your pants you knew who you were talking to. ask junior wink

When Interpol?