
That kid was about ten years younger than I am. But I knew him all his life. He grew up in Bronxville, which is one of the most affluent towns on the East Coast. He went to private schools. He was a nice kid whose only connection to the life was his last name. Trust me when I tell you that. He had ZERO ambitions on being a wiseguy. And, believe it or not, his father never would have allowed it anyway because the kid was so close to his mother. Neither of them have been the same since. But like I said, the other guy didn't realize what he set in motion. He shouldn't have gone back to the restaurant. It was a bad judgement call on his part. He would have won at the table and the dead kid's father would have lost a stripe at the very least. He went from being right to being wrong. But it changed him. A lot.

"We only kill each other." ---- A steaming hot pile of horseshit.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.