Sonny Red had the Westside backing him, he didn't have the whole Commission, but I guess with the Westside being the power and all...I think it was Castellano & Persico who told Massino to hold off and handle it amicably first. I think it was also those two, who told Massino the second time to do what he had to do what he had to do. According to Anthony DeStefano & his book on Massino, Sonny Red actually had the backing of Cesare Bonventre, whom was the like the head of Zips, along with Catalano after the Galante hit, even more so after Catalano was imprisoned. So he had the backing of the Zip's & the Westside, and Sonny Red oversaw one crew, but he was the most powerful skipper amongst his side/faction. So they all sought him out for advice and such, so you can say he had like three or four crews loyal to him. What did Sonny Red in was Massino's relationship with Carmine Franzese, Tutti or Tootie, they called him. He was basically informing Massino of Sonny Reds every move, because he was close to Persico and I believe Persico was relaying everything going on to Franzese, I could be wrong on that though. But Franzese WAS telling Massino of the plans of Indelicato, Trinchera & Giaccone. It should be noted that Philly Lucky was a powerful capo in his own right. It was either Massino and Vitale who was under Giaccone prior to his death, officially Massino was under Philly Lucky, but he was always close to Rastelli, so he was seen as sort of another power next to the power. After Giaccone is whacked, it's Massino who takes over his crew. It may have also been Franzese who brought down the guard of Sonny Red and his guys, after telling them he'd be present at the peace meeting that the other families would be involved for mediation. Long story short, the "three capo's" are killed, guys get spared, like Frank Lino. And the power is all in the hands of Massino & Napalitano. Those two began to butt heads as well, but that's a story for another day.