This is a good example of how power affects the mob..
Rastellis power seem to be that he had legitimacy, he was the official boss, but wasnt like rich or anything.
In the Donnie Brasco book, Lefty said that Sonny Blacks power was that he was close to Rastelli, but Rastelli is locked up, so he knew peace on their terms wasn't really a long term option without bloodshed at some point.
Think of it like this, what if Galante relents and shares the drugs?
The Commision might have just ousted Rastelli. Sonny Red made the same mistake, let's say he doesn't fuck the Sicilians, he had Chin with him, plus five crews, I think he was too arrogant though..
You know another interesting guy? Frank Garofolo, the underboss before Galante and Bonaventre, another major heavyweight, what I find weird is that one of his associates had the biggest construction company in NY at the time, makes me wonder when the Concrete Club took shape, WITHOUT the Bonnanos, any thoughts?