Originally Posted By: gangstereport
do you think barney is running the family because from what i have read he is either less involved because of the death of his wife or that he is running everything i dont know

He was with his wife from when they were teenagers. And say whatever you want about what the man does for a living, but they raised great kids. Not one of his boys has ever so much as whispered "Do you know who my Father is?"

That's rare. Most guys in that position have kids that are total assholes, forever throwing their weight around. Even the daughters. They're a very close family, and they took it very hard when Camille died. She was only in her mid-fifties.

Anyway, he's reined it in quite a bit. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he pulled a Gerry Catena and packed it in with a lot of good years ahead of him. People on these boards talk about Barney like he's still a kid. But he's almost sixty. He's a grandfather. He did twelve years standing on his head. But that doesn't mean he wants to go back inside. He spends a lot of time with his family now.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.