Originally Posted By: mbo
What im wondering is how its gonna play out with the more docile mob there has been for the past 20 years.

Obviously they cant get away with killing left and right like they could before and its smart staying under the radar and keeping violence to a minimum. But rackets like extortion and such are based on the threat of violence. For that to work u need to show that you have the capacity for violence. So im wondering if a mafia that is not feared can even do buisness like they are used to or if they have to change tactics and do crimes that dont warrant any violence like white collar stuff. What are your thoughts?

i think the fear of violence is enough like nicky scarfo junior for example he took over that company and took 12mil he did not even have to threaten the guys him and perullo they got scared and let him have the company without any argument

alot of guys esp legit guys are scared of the mob and can you blame them i would be if one of these guys trys to shake me down even recent indictments alot of indictments in places like New England shaking down strip clubs even crimanls who kick up the fear of the mob what it represents at the moment anyway is enough

i think overall the fear of the organization is enough and i think beatings still happen regular

Originally Posted By: British
Is there not quite a few zips in some of the familes?

gambinos but i dont know if there is enough long term but there is i believe alot higher than most people think

but that is prob why they are number two family in new york

Last edited by gangstereport; 11/10/15 06:44 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion