Originally Posted By: hoodlum
Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Skinny was a teen , he was just a kid .... But the kind of kid that many would have hit if his dad was not a made guy let alone later in his 20's his dad skipper and a UB . Most were on to him skimming or stealing or what have you . But he was a kid then , and if adults that robbed and killed for a living wanted him dead as a teen can you imagine how horrible this guy was. Then his dad moved up and he was in his 20's and the rest is known what he was doing.

In that article he was messing with other families money and he still walks around...
Yes.Serp,everybody & thier mom wanted to waste this kid back in the day,he was even skimming off his dad's take or the money he was bringing down to philip while nicky was away in 83...from all accounts,he was & is a no good, cheatin' lying,swindler street corner punk that only stayed alive b-cause of who his pop was...a FUCKIN PUNK.

His dad being underboss was probably why he was so cocky and arrogant.

"I die outside; I die in jail. It don't matter to me," -John Franzese